Are You Lying To Me?

They used to say to me,‘For the smartest girl in our yearYou really are the dumbest bitch of them all.’They would say I’m too easyBut not in that way.They knew they could lie to meAnd I wouldn’t be able to see itBecause a brick wall laid between my shinning eyesAnd their second face. A bankContinue reading “Are You Lying To Me?”

Sunset Bird

Tired, aren’t ya?You’ve flown around the world to try and make it spin.Chased warmth for your wings.Tried to singIn the silence of the vast, open water.People tried to grab yaBut no one caught ya. No one can hurt ya if you are alone. But now you want to lie downUpon sun-baked ground.Wrapped in beautiful soundThatContinue reading “Sunset Bird”

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