
Our author’s green glasses.

Who are we?

Green Glasses Creative is a poetry blog written by a neurodiverse poet about the stories they have seen from behind their green lenses.

The Green Glasses

The green glasses symbol is a reflection of our author.

It wasn’t a shock to our author to discover that there was something unique about them at the age of 16. They had heard they were special enough times. However, the shock was in realising that nobody else in their life could see text move when reading. They discovered tinted lenses could help with this.

Slowly, they realized the glasses were helping with other problems in their life, such as sensory processing. Travelling was made easier, and they could shop without going into a fog.

At the age of 21, they received diagnoses that explained all the differences they had experienced in their life.

ADHD and autism.

Now, the green glasses are used as a symbol for their creativity and the unique way they write.

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