The Unwilling Ghost of Your Ex-Lover

I do not linger in your room at 4 am on purpose.
I wish you could sleep through the night
Without the lamp of my eyes
Piercing through your mind.
I wish you could sleep in your bed
Without tingles along your spine.
But my ghost can’t leave.

When we fell in love, our souls recognized each other
Like a squirrel making a home in a tree for winter
Or when two pairs of green eyes meet.
Our souls thought this was it,
Stitching their veins to each other’s hearts,
They wanted to make sure the other was eternal
And blessed each other’s skin with feeling alive.

I suppose souls are too pure to consider
The fallibility of a human.

I don’t blame you for leaving.
You deserve better than negligence.
Please move on to something better.

But, when you left,
Our souls didn’t know how to untangle.
Couldn’t untangle
Refused to untangle
It would destroy them to tear away the other’s eternal lifeline
They gripped to each other desperately in prayer
Slowly bruising the other.

Despite the damage,
They could never let go.

So now you are left with my hauntings on your skin
And I am left with no soul
Or light in my eyes.

Published by Green Glasses Creative

Neurodiverse writer writing about how they see the world. See the world as green.

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