Will you be brave

With a sword in hand

and be

The perfect saviour

To put on a pedal stool

With your fickle crown

Blinding everything else

So you can leave

A hidden disaster for your heir?

Or will you be like your father?

(No. We don’t talk about him…)

You are

Feeble and hiding in a corner,

Afraid to come out,

Scared to see the consequences of your reign.

You feel

You are

Unable to bring the hopes and dreams

So many unconsentingly

Crushed onto your shoulders



Take my hand.

You could be brave

And foolish like the others.

But a leader can also be



And kind.

“You’re Too Young”

“You are

A weaponised lentil,

With square eyes

And millennial ‘values.’

How could you know

Anything at all?

How could you inherit

The world we built from fire?”

We will not.

Your eyes will be wide with fear

As we tread our own path.

Our youth will save the earth and seas.

We are too young to have seen the hatred

So, we will all

Mix our blood together

And become family.

We will have no tolerance

For intolerance.

 We will not use fire

To damage what is

Flowing through gentle whispers.

This is the Earth

We will grow.

“She gave so many signs.”

“Please may you take the bins out?
Did you hear me?
I said,
Please may you take the bins out”

“Why do you never listen to me?
Why do you never listen to me?
Fine, ignore me then”

“Why don’t you come with me tonight?
Hello? Why don’t you come with me tonight?”

“Honey, I need you. I need your support.

“I love you”

I love you.

” I can’t cope with your silence darling, help me.
I can’t cope.
Help me.”

“I’m sorry.
I’m so sorry.”


“I’m leaving you.”

I’m leaving you.
Leaving you.


Forgiving the Bitch

I forgave the one who stabbed me,
Though she had my blood on her hands.
I can still empathise with why it might be
She killed the ‘bitch’. I understand.
I forgave others for their betrayal
And letting me hit ground in a trust fall.
I stood up broken in hurricane gales.
They never said sorry. I forgave them all.
Somehow I can let these memories fade.
Lingering hatred, like transparent ribbon, slip aside.
Why, then, does my true self hide in shade
As if, that day, she had actually died?
When I scrutinise her in the mirror,
Why can’t I hold her so much dearer?

Blitz Corona

You are being asked to turn of the light,
Grab the rope and pull the chain,
To willingly plunge yourself into darkness
And change your entire life.

You don’t know when the light will turn back on.
For some, they will not see the light again.
You may not see the light again.
Even if you do,
By the time its back on,
You might not recognise it.
It will only let you see
The shadows of a better time.

It only works if everyone commits.
You know that some people won’t;
They think it’s not worth it.
They may not suffer the consequences.
You may decide to turn it off,
But you could suffer four times for their refusal:
Once for losing the light,
Twice for when the doom comes,
Three times when you can’t alleviate the suffering,
Four when it is all in vein.

Do you turn off the light?

Grab the chain and pull it hard
Swing yourself into the unknown.
Give a family extra time
Or save a life that’s not your own.
Choose to give your sacrifice
Have faith that others will too,
Because if you don’t aim for an ideal world
It will never come to you,
And if the doom finally comes
At least you can say you tried;
You will receive the Earth that’s left
Thinking, maybe, one less person died.

Musical Moonlight Hauntings

Moonlight, frail and fading
Illuminates golden pages
Using silver wisps of misty memories.
Is it haunting me?
Or offering me one final chance
To reunite myself with my past?
Could I remove the dust from the ivory keys,
Inhale aging knowledge
And let it grow anew from my fingertips
Like an unpruned rose?
Could I free myself from a job
Where my soul silently passed away
As I was distracted by boundless coins
And fleeting designer boots?
Or will the music finally ebb away
Like the moonlight?

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